As Pekka was living in Berlin, the meeting point and actual start of the trip was in Zurich, Switzerland. Of course, our good old friend Jallu joined too and wanted to get into the photos.
The scenery was nice while taking a train through the Swiss Alps to Liechtenstein.
The first things first - finding a brewery and local beer in Liechtenstein.
Jallu photobombed also our pictures of the Vaduz Castle.
Jallu seemed to be the favorite drink of cows in Liechtenstein. Maybe that explains the peculiar colors.
On our way from Liechtenstein to Munich, we had to change the train in Lindau, Germany.
The main tourist attraction was the harbor with lighthouse and Bavarian Lion sculpture. Fascinating!
Munich style bicycle parking, and Oktoberfest had not even started yet!
Opening ceremonies, procession of horse wagons full of beer.
Luckily we had our friend Jallu with us, so we didn't die of thirst while waiting for the beer.
After several hours of waiting in the sun shine, they finally finished the opening ceremonies and started serving the beer. Prost!
Chris and Edwina joined our table for a couple of (hours of) beers.
The huge brewery tents were full of happy people enjoying the Oktoberfest beer.
Dirndl is a traditional dress worn in Germany, especially Bavaria, especially in Munich during the Oktoberfest.
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